Congresswoman Barbara Lee Awaits Fate of Three Amendments to Defense Authorization Act, Which Includes New $25 Billion Appropriations for Iraq

Amendments Call for Comprehensive Iraqi Prison Reform, Prisoner Database, and Prohibition on DoD Spending to Overthrow Democratically-Elected Governments  

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) testified today before the House Rules Committee in an attempt to have added to the Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 4200, amendments calling for an international commission on the oversight of U.S. prisons in Iraq; the creation of an Iraqi prisoner database; and a prohibition on U.S. spending to overthrow democratically elected governments.  H.R. 4200 includes the $25 billion that the Bush Administration hurriedly included to continue the war in Iraq.

Lee’s amendment on the monitoring of Iraqi prison would seek to create an international commission to ensure compliance with the Geneva Convention in U.S.-held prisons in Iraq.   According to Lee’s amendment, this commission should include representatives from the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the Iraqi transitional government, Iraqi civil society, the United Nations, and U.S. and Coalition armed forces.  In a related amendment, Lee called for the creation of a database of all detained persons in Iraq in U.S. custody and, to the extent practicable, to make that database available to Iraqi family members of detained persons.

Lee also testified on her amendment to prohibit Department of Defense (DoD) funds from being used to overthrow democratically elected governments.  The amendment represents an extension of former Massachusetts Congresswoman Edward Boland’s famous amendment prohibiting the Reagan Administration from using money to fund the Nicaraguan contras.  Lee’s amendment would ban the use of funds for military training, equipment, or other support aimed at the overthrow of a democratically elected government. Lee’s amendment was inspired by the U.S. government’s alleged involvement in the recent overthrown of the Haitian government.

Either late tonight or early tomorrow morning, the Rules Committee will announce whether Lee’s amendments will be debated during consideration of the bill on the House floor later this week.


