Congresswoman Barbara Lee Offers Amendment to Add Additional $800 Million for AIDS Global Fund

Republicans Refuse to Allow Vote on Amendment

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today introduced an amendment to the FY 05 Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill to increase the U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by $800 million. The only Member of Congress to attend the XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok, Thailand this week, Lee proposed the amendment in order to meet the contribution that the Global Fund needs from the United States.

During debate on the House floor, Lee said, “I recently returned from Thailand, where I met with international leaders on the global pandemic and people living with the virus, and I can tell you that the international community is very disappointed, to put it mildly, with the U.S. failure to deliver on promised funding.  It is disingenuous that the Administration claims to be a leader, yet cuts support for the Global Fund, proposing a measly contribution of $200 million, rather than the $1.2 billion that is needed. Only the efforts of Congressional leaders have enabled the doubling of the President’s proposed Global Fund contribution to $400 million.”

“My amendment would help restore U.S. leadership and credibility on HIV/AIDS because we must go further in providing the resources to battle against this devastating and deadly pandemic. True leadership on HIV/AIDS requires nothing less than passing this amendment.”

After the debate, the Republican leadership ruled, on procedural grounds, that no vote would be allowed on Lee’s amendment.

