US Congressional Seal                                                

Legislative info


Bills Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 109th Congress
Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 109th Congress

Bills Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 108th Congress
Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 108th Congress

Bills Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 107th Congress
Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 107th Congress

Bills Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 106th Congress
Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 106th Congress

Bills Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 105th Congress
Bills Co-Sponsored by Rep. Fossella -- 105th Congress


General Legislative Activity from the Library of Congress

The Library of Congress offers an excellent resource for legislative information. The Thomas system is an online depository of bills and other Congressional documents with searchable indexes. In addition, it includes helpful links to other governmental resources.

You may also connect to the THOMAS and use indexes to search for both text of legislation and the status of legislation for the 109h Congress.


Proceedings of the House of Representatives for the 109th Congress

This Week's House Floor Schedule

Current House Floor Proceedings

House Committee Proceedings for the 109th Congress

Current Committee Proceedings


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