United States Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
E-Mail the Senator
Washington D.C.
309 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4524

    Thank you for contacting my office by email. Because of the large volume of email that I receive, I can only respond to my constituents in Maryland. I do not have a traditional email address. Instead, I have set up an internet webform through my website so that constituents may contact my office electronically. Please be sure to include your email address and your postal address so that I am able to provide a response.

     Don’t forget to choose a topic from the pull-down list provided. This will help ensure that you receive a prompt response. I always appreciate hearing from my constituents. If you need help with a specific government agency, please contact the caseworkers in my Baltimore office at (410) 962-4436. To let me know about an invitation, or for other time sensitive issues, please fax all applicable information to my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-1651.

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