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Press Release of Senator Crapo

Crapo Wins Approval For Indian Office of Men's Health

Committee adopted provision today

Contact: Susan Wheeler
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Washington, DC –To create awareness and prevention of life-threatening diseases and men’s health issues, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, introduced an amendment today instructing the Indian Health Service (IHS) to create an Office of Men’s Health. That amendment was approved on a voice vote. Crapo has long advocated creating of an Office of Men’s Health at the Health and Human Services Department to provide education campaigns and promote preventive care and parallels the existing Office of Women’s Health; this office at IHS follows that same model.

“There is an alarming, silent crisis going on with disease and death rates among American Indian and Alaska Native males.” Crapo said. “I’ve heard from tribal representatives about their concerns as well as the personal stories from fathers, brothers, and grandfathers. Clearly this is an underserved population that requires additional support. Given the statistics from tribes and the reality that men in general are not widely benefiting from preventive care services, this office will assist men to focus on many health problems that can be treated successfully if diagnosed early. But prevention and early detection can only happen with increased public awareness, something the proposed office hopes to provide.”

IHS already has focused on American Indian and Alaska Native Women’s health, with a website and other services. This amendment allows the IHS to offer the same focus and service to American Indian and Alaska Native men.

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