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Press Release of Senator Crapo


Senator joins “Sportsmen Against Prostate Cancer”

Contact: Susan Wheeler
Thursday, February 27, 2003

Washington, DC - Efforts to fund and publicize the leading cancer affecting men may soon have the same attention as similar efforts regarding women and breast cancer. Idaho Senator Mike Crapo is working with the American Cancer Society, the U.S. Postal Service, and other groups to promote two new programs aiming to raise both funding and awareness about prostate cancer in men.

Crapo is a prostate cancer survivor and had successful surgery in 2000. Now, he is leading efforts in Washington, D.C. to produce a new postage stamp dedicated to prostate cancer awareness. A similar stamp addressing breast cancer issues in women has been a major success for the U.S. Postal Service and the American Cancer Society. A portion of the stamp’s proceeds would go to funding research. A similar stamp for breast cancer raised over $20 million.

“Beating cancer is relatively easy if you catch it early,” said Crapo. “Many people don’t know that the survival rates for breast cancer in women and for prostate cancer in men are very similar. That is why I am making these efforts to get the word out to men that cancer can be stopped through checkups early and often.”

Crapo will appear in Boise Saturday, March 1st, as part of a fundraiser for a new group established by the American Cancer Society in Idaho called “Sportsmen Against Prostate Cancer.” He will also visit the Annual Sportsmen’s Show at the Western Idaho Fairgrounds to talk with sportsmen about the issue.

“Fighting cancer starts with awareness of the problem,” Crapo said. “I am gratified that hundreds of Idaho men have taken prostate cancer tests at fairgrounds around Idaho but we must raise the bar on this effort.” Crapo established the Mike Crapo Health Awareness Booths two years ago at annual fairs in Idaho. PSA tests are offered for free or at a reduced rate at the fairgrounds locations in many Idaho cities.

“The prostate cancer stamp is also important in raising money towards finding a cure and raising the profile among men,” Crapo concluded. “Working together, we can beat cancer. Early detection and awareness are paramount in achieving that goal.”

Crapo’s “Sportsmen Against Prostate Cancer” events Saturday in Boise:

Noon Fundraising speech at the Boise Centre on the Grove on behalf of the American Cancer Society, with Lt. Governor Jim Risch.

2:00 p.m. Crapo visits “Sportsmen Against Prostate Cancer” booth at the Annual Sportsmen’s Show, Western Idaho Fairgrounds.

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