United States Senator - Lamar Alexander United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
Sponsored BillsSponsored Bills
U.S. China Cultural Engagement Act
Date Introduced: 05/25/05
Bill Number: S.1117
Description: United States-People's Republic of China Cultural Engagement Act - Amends the the Higher Education Act of 1965 establish grants for Chinese language and cultural studies.

Provides funding (including grants) for: (1) elementary, secondary, and higher education Chinese language, art, and cultural studies; (2) Asian business education center programs; (3) educational and governmental exchange programs; (4) assistance to nongovernmental organizations that facilitate exchanges.

Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should negotiate for award of approved destination status to the United States in a manner consistent with U.S. laws.

Authorizes: (1) establishment of two additional consulates in the People's Republic of China (PRC); and (2) an increase the number of individuals who provide visa information to persons in the PRC.

Provides for feasibility studies regarding: (1) expedited visa processing for scientists; and (2) numerical limitation exemption for H-1B (specialty occupations) visas.

Revises J (exchange visitors) visa provisions to provide for: (1) eligible program designation; and (2) inclusion of secondary exchange students from the PRC.

Authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to assign 35 additional Commercial Service employees to the PRC.

Provides grants to States for export assistance and outreach to U.S. businesses in the PRC.

Authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA) to facilitate the hiring of an additional export development specialist in each of the Lead Small Business Development Centers to carry out export promotion and outreach services with respect to the PRC.

Establishes the United States-People's Republic of China Engagement Strategy Council.
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