Lungren In the News
What will be the defining issue over the next ten years?


April 27, 2005


To mark the launch of The Hill’s second decade, we have asked members of Congress, newsmakers and commentators to tell us what they think will be the big issues that the House and Senate will need to deal with between now and 2015. Their answers appear below, as does a by-the-numbers look at the 114th Congress.

Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.): “Whether or not we successfully created a homeland security strategy and a Homeland Security Department, and reorganized ourselves to where homeland security is at the same level of priority as national defense.”

Columnist Arianna Huffington: “There is no doubt that national security will continue to be the biggest issue over the next decade. The question is, how will we approach it and define it? Will we continue to spend untold billions on foreign misadventures like Iraq — or will we spend that money securing our ports, railways, borders and nuclear and chemical facilities? Will we properly fund our first responders? And will Democrats finally realize that they will never return to power unless they can figure out how to take the national-security cudgel out of the GOP’s hands?”

Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.): “Our relationship with South Korea, Iran and China. Those kinds of things are concerning me greatly ... over the long haul, these are threats that are only going to get worse to this nation.”

Former Michigan Gov. John Engler (R), president of the National Association of Manufacturers: “Jobs and growth. We need to reduce uncertainty and increase predictability in our tax, regulatory and judicial systems to foster job creation and economic growth. These are the keys to a bright and prosperous future for America.”

Mike Franc, The Heritage Foundation: “Two things I point to are coming to grips with the graying of the baby-boom generation and confronting the outmoded Great Society legacy. From that flows future federal … debates over Social Security and Medicare and even veterans benefits.”

Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.): “Promoting freedom abroad has been a central tenet of U.S. foreign policy since the days of Woodrow Wilson, but our recently renewed commitment to this principle will place the growth of democracy at the top of foreign policy for years to come. It is incumbent upon Congress to fill in the broad outlines of the ideas that the current president has sketched out, and to ensure proper support for, and oversight of, future administrations’ efforts to shine the light of freedom in every corner of the world.”

Former Rep. Jack Quinn (R-N.Y.), president of Cassidy & Associates: “This whole question of Social Security and its solvency and what we put on the next generations to come. This is not a problem you’re going to solve in one or two years. … Congress also has to deal with the civility question and how Republicans and Democrats get along. And if that isn’t addressed, it’s going to impact how they solve this defining issue of Social Security.”

Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.):  “What we do with Social Security and Medicare. With Social Security, making sure we don’t destroy it. I feel very strongly that it is a compact between workers and seniors.”

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio): “Entitlement reform: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.): “Whether we can get our economic house in order. I don’t think we can sustain the level of debt we have, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. And I’m a liberal!”

Larry Sabato, University of Virginia’s Center for Politics: “2011 redistricting for the House and also state legislatures. Not because geography is destiny, but because just about everybody in the field plans to focus on redistricting reform. Greed is the root of all evil, but partisan redistricting is second to greed. … Tenure belongs in the ivory tower, not in the halls of Congress.”

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas): “Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. From a fiscal standpoint, those are the real issues on the horizon. They will bankrupt this country. Social Security reform will be a walk in the park compared to Medicare and Medicaid.”

Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.): “Healthcare for baby boomers, because the front end of the baby boomers are approaching retirement. That, in combination with advances in technology that we hope will transform healthcare in America.”

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman: “The most important issue over the next 10 years will be winning the war on terror by taking the fight to the terrorists and promoting freedom abroad while simultaneously expanding opportunity at home.”

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “The issue of free trade and outsourcing — the whole globalization issue. That’s going to strike a huge nerve in politics over the next 10 years. As Tom Friedman calls it, ‘the world getting flatter.’”

Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway: “Spending. How we spend our money and the moral imperative that is endemic to making those tough choices. What is right and what is wrong will drive elections. Immigration is about to spike as an issue. Also, politicians will increasingly be unable to just give lip service to the issue of poverty.”

Former House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob Livingston (R-La.): “As far as I’m concerned, it’s healthcare, especially as far as it relates to the budget. Medicare, Medicaid and to a lesser extent pensions. The impact of the baby boomers will put incredible pressures on the budget.”

Eleanor Clift, Newsweek: “The baby-boom generation has redefined every stage of life, and as the boomers move toward retirement issues surrounding medical technology and death and dying will be regularly debated. The economy is headed for a train wreck, and environmental issues will force their way onto the agenda. Twin crises of excessive debt and violent weather caused by climate change will get the country’s attention and the politicians will have to act. Terrorism will almost inevitably take a nasty turn with a suitcase nuclear bomb or some kind of biological attack.”

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