(Updated May 5, 2006)

H.R. 4204
American River Pump Station Project Transfer Act of 2005   

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 4204, under suspension of the rules on Tuesday, May 9, 2006.  The bill is debatable for 40 minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


H.R. 4204 directs the Secretary of the Interior to transfer ownership of the American River Pump Station Project located at Auburn, California, to the Placer County Water Agency.

The bill makes federal costs associated with construction of the Project nonreimbursable.  The measure authorizes the Secretary to grant title to the Agency to provide a water supply to that Agency. H.R. 4202 also requires the Secretary, before conveying such land and facilities, to comply with requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and any other applicable law.

The bill provides that upon the transfer, the United States shall not be liable for damages relating to the land or facilities.

Cost Estimate

CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 4204 would have no significant impact on the federal budget.

Legislative History

H.R. 4204 was introduced by Rep. Doolittle (CA) on November 2, 2005. The bill was reported from the Resources Committee, by unanimous consent, on March 29, 2006. House Report 109-430 was filed on April 25, 2006.

For additional information or questions, please contact the Resources Committee at 5-2761.