Washington, DC B The House of Representatives today passed by a voice vote H. Res. 309, a bipartisan resolution offered by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), John Shimkus (R-IL), Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Robert Ney (R-OH), to honor the United States Capitol Police for their commitment to security at the Capitol.

The United States Capitol Police force was created by Congress in 1828 to provide security for the Capitol and today provide protection and support services throughout the Congressional buildings and the surrounding Capitol Hill neighborhood. The dedicated force provides security for Members of Congress, their staffs, other government employees, and many others who live near, work on, and visit Capitol Hill.

AThe men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police diligently and professionally perform a great duty in protecting Members of Congress, ensuring that our democracy is secure to operate freely,@ said Lee. AThey also protect millions of people who visit the Capitol each year to learn about our democratic process. They continually earn our utmost respect and admiration.@

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 have required increased security and heightened alertness, with Capitol Police Officers working twelve hour shifts, six days a week, to ensure the continued protection of the Capitol, Members of Congress and the public.

ADuring a time of confusion and fear, it was reassuring to know that Capitol Hill Police were protecting all of us,@ said Lee. AThey responded to this crisis quickly and courageously. It is impossible to express the gratitude that we all have for these officers who continue, day after day, to protect our nation=s capitol. You are our heroes and we salute you!@
