(Updated September 26, 2006)

S. 362
Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act

Floor Situation

The House is scheduled to consider S. 362, under suspension of the rules, on Wednesday, September 27, 2006. The bill is debatable for forty minutes, may not be amended, and requires a two-thirds majority vote for passage.


S. 362 establishes in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) a program to reduce the amount of marine debris (such as plastic and lost fishing gear) in oceans and coastal areas and to mitigate its effects on health and navigation safety. The bill also directs the U.S. Coast Guard to improve enforcement and reduce violations of existing laws and treaties that address ocean pollution waste disposal at sea and would require the Coast Guard to develop new regulations on disposal of plastics and fishing gear.

Several changes were made to the Senate passed version during markup, including: 

CBO Cost Estimate

CBO estimates that implementing S. 362 would cost $3 million in fiscal year 2007 and $48 million over the 2007-2011 period. Enacting this legislation would have no effect on revenues or direct spending.

Legislative History

S. 362 was introduced by Sen. Inouye (HI) on February 10, 2005. The bill passed the Senate with amendments, by unanimous consent, on July 1, 2005. S. 362 was ordered to be reported in the nature of a substitute from the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, by voice vote, on Jul 28, 2006. House Report 109-332 I was filed on December 8, 2005. House Report 109-332 II was filed on July 25, 2006.

For additional information or questions, please contact Transportation and Infrastructure Committee at 5-9446.