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Photo/Foto: Susan Gobreski
Making a Difference in the Community

Susan Gobreski
Environmental Activist, 36

"I got involved because I care about the planet... I stayed involved because I care about my kids and their future."


Susan Gobreski, a 36-year-old mother of two daughters, has worked on environmental issues her whole life. "I got involved because I cared about the planet, it was sort of idealistic really," she said. "I stayed involved because I care about my kids and their future. They made it very real."

Susan grew up in Chester County, Pennsylvania, which was changing from rural farm country to suburban developments. As she watched the rapid development, she realized the importance of taking action to protect what we care about – that the environment is a quality of life issue, not just an ideal. Her work included organizing an Earth Day celebration in her neighborhood in 1990, as a student at Temple University. today she works with other people in her community to get improvements made at a large local refinery, in order to minimize the risk of exposure to chemical releases to thousands of neighbors who are downwind of the site.

"As a parent, there's no more important work than making sure our kids have clean air to breathe and water that's safe to drink," Susan said. "Big business and people who care about protecting our environment don't have to be on different sides of these issues. Everyone needs to make sure they're a good neighbor."

Photo/Foto: Susan Gobreski
American Voices

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