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September 26, 2006
House Agriculture Leaders Gather Support for Agriculture Disaster Relief Discharge Petition

More about Bob Etheridge

Today, leading agricultural leaders in the House of Representatives announced a major push to require the House to consider agriculture disaster assistance legislation. Congressman John Barrow (D-GA-12) introduced a discharge petition (H. Res. 998) that would force the House to consider that legislation once 218 Members of Congress have signed it.

Democratic Leaders in the House have strongly supported the effort to provide agriculture disaster assistance and have asked the House Republican leadership to consider legislation before Congress recesses at the end of September to campaign for the November elections.


“Family farmers are some of the nation’s best small businessmen, able to squeeze copper wire out of a penny if they’re forced to.  But right now, the effects of this year’s drought are putting the squeeze on farmers’ bottom lines in my district, and devastating rural communities across the nation,” Congressman Barrow said. “Congress needs to pass this emergency agricultural disaster assistance bill before we adjourn this week.  We can’t afford to ignore this crisis.”


A coalition of more than 30 farm and allied organizations, including the National Farmers Union, American Farm Bureau Federation, Independent Community Bankers of America and others have recognized the critical need for disaster assistance and are urging Members of Congress to sign the discharge petition.


“Disaster assistance is not a partisan issue, but we are dealing with a President and House Republican Leadership who are standing in the way of this needed relief for our agricultural producers,” said Congressman Collin C. Peterson (MN-07), ranking Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee. “We are looking for opportunities to work with our Republican friends, many of whom are dealing with disasters in their home districts, to find a solution that will help our disaster-stricken communities.”


More than 71 percent of all U.S. counties have been declared primary or contiguous disaster areas by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) this year, and last year, 78 percent of counties were primary or contiguous disaster areas. Farmers have waited long enough for relief, and our rural communities are counting on Congress to provide this desperately needed assistance.


“America has experienced catastrophic floods and droughts in the last two years, causing severe losses for our farm families,” said Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC-02).  “These disasters send a ripple effect throughout our rural communities and their economies, from banks, to grocery stores, to equipment suppliers.  We must provide our farm families with emergency disaster assistance or many of our rural economies could face devastating effects.”


“This country will be in a lot of trouble if our elected leaders continue to ignore the agriculture industry,” said Congressman Marion Berry (D-AR-01). “Our government must heed this warning and recognize that farmers need immediate relief from the 2005 and 2006 crop years. Unless our government does something to help the agriculture industry shoulder skyrocketing production costs, America may have little choice but to rely on other countries for a safe and secure food supply.”


“Allowing our farm families the ability to provide our nation a safe and reliable source of food and fiber is every bit as important to our national security as oil is,” Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR-04) said. “We’ve become way too dependent on foreign oil and America must not become dependent on other countries for our food supply.”


Members of Congress began to sign the discharge petition on Monday night, and it will be available for Members to sign until Congress adjourns at the end of the 109th Congress later this year.

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Congresista Destacado
Rep. Dan Boren
Rep. Boren has worked to improve rural communities that have suffered job loss due to the outsourcing of rural America’s manufacturing base. Boren believes that job growth is essential to not only improving the rural way of life in America, but also preserving rural culture and values.

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