House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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Empleos Y Economía

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El Medio Ambiente

Voto en Línea

What type of investigation into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina do you favor?


An independent commission of experts


With Republicans in Congress investigating themselves


No investigation is necessary

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Making Polluters Pay

We need to do more to clean up our communities. One in four people in America lives within four miles of a major toxic waste, or "Superfund," site. Eighty-five percent of all Superfund sites have contaminated groundwater, while 50 percent of our population – and virtually 100 percent in many rural areas – rely on ground water for drinking water. Contaminated, undeveloped land costs communities jobs, revenue and economic growth.

The Democratic plan to clean up our communities includes:

Cleaning up toxic waste. Democrats want to improve the Superfund program to clean up toxic waste dumps and expand the public's right to know about pollution in their neighborhoods. Superfund, which exists to pay for critical cleanups of some of the most hazardous sites in the country, was designed to be funded by special environmental fees and fines paid by polluters. The legislation authorizing Superfund to collect these fees expired in 1995 and Republican-controlled Congresses have repeatedly refused to reinstate it. In 1995, 82% of Superfund funding came from the Superfund Trust Fund (funded by polluter-paid fees). But now, under the President's budget, none of the funding comes from the Trust Fund (which is now empty) -- shifting major costs onto the American taxpayer. Democrats are fighting to ensure that, once again, big polluters will be held responsible so that every tax-paying American is not forced to pick up the tab for the cost of cleanup in our communities.

Protecting a clean environment in trade agreements. Democrats believe that international trade agreements should protect environmental standards so that they do not undermine our clean air and water. We want to promote agreements that grow the economy and create jobs but do not undermine our environmental standards.

Cleaning up brownfields. Democrats support new efforts to clean up "brownfields" faster by giving states and local governments increased funding and technical assistance. Communities should have the opportunity to rebuild wisely, returning our cities and towns to the vibrant places they once were.

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El Medio Ambiente
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