Constituents Respond To 2006 Annual Questionnaire

Every year I send out a questionnaire to my constituents, which is very helpful in keeping me informed about their views concerning many issues that are before Congress.  This year, I sent the questionnaire through the U.S. mail and posted it on my Internet site.  I received more than 8,000 individual responses to the 16 questions included in this year’s questionnaire. 

From the responses I have received, it’s clear that many people have strong opinions about issues facing our nation.  A large majority of those who responded, 77%, support a phased withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, and 79% want U.N. peacekeepers deployed to Sudan to stop the genocide.

The issue of illegal immigration has grabbed the nation’s headlines and more than two-thirds of respondents, 68%, support comprehensive immigration reform that protects our borders while increasing legal immigration through an expedited visa and citizenship process.

In education, an overwhelming 84% support making college more affordable by cutting the interest rates on student loans in half from 6.8% to 3.4%.  Another 63% support increased funding for public education that would meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

As Americans continue to see energy prices rise, 84% want to give the federal and state governments more authority to prosecute energy-price gouging. Another large majority, 71%, want the federal government to encourage the development of a new generation of nuclear power plants to help address our nation’s energy needs.

Regarding the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina, 55% of those who responded believe the federal government has not done enough. Concerning the federal budget deficit, 54% support reducing tax cuts as a way to deal with the budget deficit.

In health care, 60% support a federal law that requires all Americans to have health care insurance, and a whopping 84% want the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices for the Medicare Part D program.

A large majority of those who responded, 78%, want every container coming into the United States from abroad to be screened for weapons of mass destruction before leaving foreign ports.  Another large majority, 77%, want the Federal Aviation Administration to continue its ban on cell phone use on airline flights.

In the area of the environment, 71% believe that global warming is a real threat to the world’s environment. Regarding transportation, 60% oppose construction of additional lanes on the Baltimore Beltway that would require a toll.

And, finally, regarding ethics on Capitol Hill, a very large majority, 79%, want Congress to permit outside watchdog groups to file ethics complaints against Members of Congress.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to answer the 2006 Annual Questionnaire.  While it is not a scientific survey, I find that it is very accurate in reflecting the views of my constituents.
