Federal Funding

domeSenator Reed is working hard to improve and enhance the quality of life for all Rhode Islanders. He has secured funds to generate jobs and economic opportunities throughout Rhode Island. Today, Senator Reed continues to work with his colleagues in the Senate and the House of Representatives to secure vital funding for cities and towns, universities, and organizations across the state. This federal money enables Rhode Island to expand community development programs, improve our transportation infrastructure, provide social services and health care, restore historical landmarks, and protect the environment. Rhode Island is home to many unique cultural sites, natural habitats, and world-class research facilities. By investing these federal dollars in our state, we are preserving Rhode Island's history and contributing to America's future.

Recent News:

Pawtucket Receives Nearly $3 Million and Warwick gets $888,000 in HUD Funds

Woonsocket Receives Nearly $2 Million in HUD Funds

Reed Secures Nearly $100 Million for RI in Senate's 2007 Defense Authorization Bill

American Sail Training Association to Receive over $200,000 to Help Young People

Reed Presents $200,000 in Federal Funding to Caritas

Useful Links:

Senator Reed's Grants Page
