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Major Issues

The Digital Divide - Education - Foreign Policy (Africa) - Foreign Policy (Haiti)
Foreign Policy (Iraq) - Health Care - Jazz - Labor Issues - Land Loss - Racial Profiling
Reparations - Social Security - Toxic Mold - Transportation - U.S. Budget Priorities
Violence Against Women - Voting Rights

    In addition to his work representing the people of Michigans' 14th Congressional District; Mr. Conyers serves as the lead Ranking Democratic Member of the House Committee on the Judiciary. One of the most important committees in Congress, the Judiciary is tasked with the responsiblitiy of oversight of the Department of Justice (including the FBI) and the Federal Courts. Additionally, the Committee has jurisdiction over copyright, constitutional, consumer protection, civil rights issues, and voting rights.Back to top.


    The Digital Divide
    Mr. Conyers is committed to bridging the digital divide. He has worked to bring about awareness and solutions to the problem of African-Americans and rural citizens being left behind as America moves forward in the twentieth century. Back to top.

    Mr. Conyers believes that education should be a priority for the Bush Administration and this Congress. Education is a non-partisan issue, and we must work in a non-partisan way to find a solution to the problems facing our schools. Back to top.
    Foreign Policy - Africa
    Mr. Conyers co-authored several letters regarding the security and conditions in Sudan, the need for increased peacekeeping in Africa, Debt Relief for Mozambique and other poor African countries. Mr. Conyers, along with the CBC have been stalwart in their efforts to keep the issue of Africa on the forefront of the US's agenda. Back to top.
    Foreign Policy - Haiti
    On May 21, 2000, the Haitian people showed their strong desire for democracy. It was clear in the early morning hours, when at 5:30 am, dozens of voters were already waiting in line to cast their vote to shape their future. Back to top.

    Foreign Policy - Iraq
    Being Updated

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    Health Care
    Health Care TV show taped February 1, by Congressman John Conyers, Jr. with the following guest: Edith Rasell, Economic Policy Institute; Dr. Quentin Young, MD, National Coordinator, Physicians for National Health Plan; Rep. Donna Christensen (D-VI), Chair, Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust.

    H.R. 676, The United states National Health Insurance Act
    There is a very serious health care crisis in America that must be addressed now by the Congress and the President. Therefor, I have introduced HR 676, The United states National Health Insurance Act, (Medicare For All) to ensure that every American; regardless of income, employment status, or race, has access to the highest quality and affordable health care services possible.

    To find out about HR 676, please click here.

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    Congressman Conyers is well known as a patron of the arts, and is renowned for his love of jazz. In his role as a federal legislator, he has successfully fought for greater recognition and funding for jazz. In 1987, the Congress passed Conyers" House Concurrent Resolution 57 designating jazz a "national American treasure." Back to top.
    Labor Issues
    Congressman Conyers has been a strong advocate for America's working families. He understands that in many of the families in his district, both parents are forced to work in order to pay the bills. In the 106th Congress Mr. Conyers sponsored legislation aimed at making child care more affordable for working families. Back to top.
    Land Loss
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    Racial Profiling
    Last April, Mr. Conyers along with three Senate co-sponsors, Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Russell Feingold (WI) and Edward Kennedy (MA) introduced racial profiling legislation. Subsequently, this legislation garnered over 61 bi-partisan co-sponsors in the House and 21 bi-partisan co-sponsors in the Senate. Back to top.
    In January of 1989, I first introduced the bill H.R. 40, The Commission to Study Reparations Proposals for African American Act. I have re-introduced HR 40 every Congress since 1989, and will continue to do so until it's passed into law. Back to top.
    Social Security
    Social Security has become the success story of federal programs – a stable, efficient and successful program on which 46 million Americans rely each year. In spite of its vast accomplishments, the president has called for sweeping reforms that would allow ideology to triumph over good sense and American values. Find out which solutions to
    strengthening Social Security I am considering. Back to top.
    Toxic Mold
    The growth of "toxic mold" is becoming a problem of monumental proportions. Exposure to mold growth in residential, public and commercial buildings is believed to have caused serious medical conditions which include bleeding lungs, digestive problems, hair loss, nausea, loss of memory, reduced cognitive skills, and death. Property damage from mold growth has destroyed millions of dollars in real estate and forced homeowners to the curb. We cannot eliminate mold. However, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the dangers of indoor mold growth. Back to top.
    Given the many development projects in Detroit such as the stadiums, the relocation of the General Motors Corporation's headquarters to the Renaissance Center, the expansion of Detroit-Metro Airport, residential and other commercial development throughout the city and the region, this is a critical time for the metropolitan Detroit community to work together on developing an effective transportation infrastructure which includes improved and expanded mass transit options. Back to top.
    U.S. Budget Priorities
    Rep. Conyers had fought over the years for a strong U.S. Economy by ensuring that the nation's budget priorities reflect programs and initiatives that benefit all Americans regardless of their race or income. Back to top.
    Violence Against Women
    One of the most important accomplishments of the 106th Congress was reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act ("VAWA"). Congressman Conyers was a key sponsor of H.R. 1248, a version of which was incorporated in the "Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000," which continues funding for programs such as law enforcement and prosecution grants to combat violence against women, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, battered women's shelters and services, education and training for judges and court personnel, and rural domestic violence and child abuse enforcement programs. Back to top.
    Voting Rights
    One in fifty adults are currently or permanently disenfranchised of voting as a result state felony voting laws. 1.4 million voting-age African-Americans males are able to cast ballots but because of the state laws they are stripped of this right. Back to top.

Congressional Seal.

This is an official web site of the U.S. House of Representatives
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr
Representing Michigan's 14th District

2426 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5126
(202) 225-0072 Fax

2615 W. Jefferson
Trenton, MI 48183
(734) 675-4084
(734) 675-4218 Fax

669 Federal Building
231 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 961-5670
(313) 226-2085 Fax

For comments about this website, please email: Matt.Thome@mail.house.gov

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