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Border Fence Bill: A Step in the Right Direction
By U.S. Representative John R. Carter

Washington, DC, Sep 14 -

Protecting our nation’s borders is the most pressing issue in the border security and immigration debate. There is a tidal wave of illegal aliens crossing our border whose intentions are unknown. That is why the House, in December of 2005, passed a strong, comprehensive border security bill. Unfortunately, the Senate refused to take up this legislation, and instead drafted costly legislation that would have significantly weakened our nation’s security and granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Over the past two months, the House of Representatives has held 25 hearings in 12 states across the country to hear the concerns of the American people and determine the best way to make progress in securing our borders. Thousands of Americans reaffirmed what Members of the House knew—that we have an emergency on our border.

This summer’s field hearings also raised alarming questions about the Reid-Kennedy approach, which passed the Senate in May over the objections of a majority of Senate Republicans. The more we have studied this bill, the more holes we found, and the more it appears to be modeled on the disastrous 1986 law that has produced the current border-security crisis. The Reid-Kennedy immigration bill would weaken law enforcement, reward lawbreakers, and make our borders less secure. Further, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), it would cost American taxpayers $127 billion over 10 years. It also includes troubling provisions such as allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition at public universities and would guarantee Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants for the time they were in the U.S. illegally.

The House of Representatives is committed to putting legislation on the President's desk this fall that will strengthen our borders. The first piece of legislation that will be part of a comprehensive border security package overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives today. The Secure Fence Act (H.R. 6061) is an emergency measure that would mandate operational control of all borders and ports through enhanced Border Patrol operations, physical barriers, and state-of-the-art technology along the southwest border, including reinforced fencing. I have consistently called for a plan that begins by securing our border with increased personnel and resources, and this bill goes a long way toward accomplishing these goals.

Specifically, H.R. 6061 provides for over 700 miles of two-layered reinforced fencing along the southern border with prioritized placement at critical, highly populated areas, and requires an evaluation of infrastructure needs along the northern border. It also mandates that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) achieve and maintain operational control over the entire border through a “virtual fence” that deploys cameras, ground sensors, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and integrated surveillance technology.

Placing additional resources at the border works. This has already been proven through the successes of Operation Jumpstart, which placed National Guard troops along the southern border. According to a July 26th report, the National Guard has assisted in apprehending 1,702 illegal aliens, more than 13,000 pounds of marijuana, and more than 200 pounds of cocaine. And additional resources along the Texas border have drastically lowered crime rates and made our nation more secure

The five-year anniversary of the 9-11 attacks reminds us of the need for such reforms: the 19 terrorists exploited — and at least six violated — our immigration laws to murder 3000 of our citizens. Some of the illegals crossing our borders are gang members who cross to injure our citizens. The war on terror and the porous state of our borders demand action on behalf of homeland and national security.

Although securing the borders is the first and most immediate need, I will continue to urge progress on other issues surrounding illegal and legal immigration in this country. I strongly support strengthening enforcement and stiffening penalties for illegal immigrants who break our immigration laws. We also need to enforce the law on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and hold them accountable. Further, as a Judge for more than 20 years, I cannot support efforts that would reward the behavior of illegal immigrants who have made the choice to break our laws. The success of our country depends on newcomers obeying the law, assimilating into American society by learning English, and embracing our common identity as Americans.


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