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Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
By U.S. Representative John R. Carter

Washington, DC, Jul 27 - The right to keep and bear arms is one of our most important rights because the Founding Fathers intended it to be the means by which Americans can guarantee all other rights. Protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens is a priority of mine, which is why I am a member of the Second Amendment Caucus in Congress. This caucus is comprised of members who believe in defending the rights of gun owners. I believe that federal gun regulations often create burdens for law-abiding citizens and infringe upon constitutional rights provided by the Second Amendment.

The House recently passed the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, which would prohibit any agency using federal disaster relief funds from seizing firearms from law-abiding citizens in their cars, homes, and businesses. I cosponsored this bill because individuals acting within the law should be able to protect themselves and their property from harm, especially during a time of disaster. I am proud to support a bill that upholds the rights of gun owners to keep and bear arms during a vulnerable and dangerous time. Further, this legislation would not prevent confiscating guns from convicted felons, and would have no effect on law enforcement operations outside of disaster relief situations.

This bill was drafted to address the actions of some officials in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. There were numerous reports of law-abiding residents having their firearms confiscated. In fact, at least one highly-qualified search and rescue team was prevented from joining in relief efforts because the team included individuals with firearms, although these individuals had been deputized as federal law enforcement officers.

I have also cosponsored a bill that would reduce the risk of firearms being stolen during interstate shipping. The Firearm Commerce Modernization Act would allow federal firearms licensees to transfer any firearm to out-of-state residents as long as those transfers comply with the laws of both states. It would also allow for the transfer of firearms at out-of-state gun shows as long as those transfers comply with the laws of both states. Under current law, federal firearms licensees are permitted to display and take orders for firearms at out-of-state gun shows, but they must return to their business locations to initiate the subsequent transfers of those firearms. This shipping requirement leaves the system vulnerable to the theft of guns.

Although I believe law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms, we also have to ensure that those who abuse this right are held accountable. As an elected state judge for 20 years, I have a strong record of holding individuals accountable for breaking the law. I am a cosponsor of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) Modernization and Reform Act, which establishes common sense graduated civil penalties, including fines, suspension and or revocation, for individuals or companies who violate gun laws. The penalties are based on the severity of the violation, as well as the licensee’s prior record. It also implements a review process that is fair and consistent.

I will remain committed to protecting all Americans’ Second Amendment right to bear arms. The Second Amendment to the Constitution clearly protects the fundamental right of individuals to keep and bear arms for defense, recreation, and collection. I will continue to support initiatives that recognize the right of lawful citizens to carry a weapon both at home and while traveling the nation.


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