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U.S. Capitol Building

Health & Medicare Taskforce

Goal / Description:

America has a rare opportunity to strengthen Medicare and ensure its solvency for another generation of seniors. The Health & Medicare Task Force works to:

  • Use the budget surplus to save Medicare - instead of squandering it on a fiscally irresponsible, $3 trillion tax cut that would endanger America's economic growth and explode the deficit
  • Reduce the high cost of prescription drugs for all senior citizens
  • Reduce unnecessary and illegal Medicare costs by cracking down on fraud and abuse

Americans know that Democrats are leading the effort to increase access to high quality, affordable health care. The Health & Medicare Task Force works to:

  • Pass a real Patients Bill of Rights that ensures doctors and patients - not HMOs and insurance company bureaucrats - make vital medical decisions
  • Reduce the high cost of prescription drugs for all senior citizens

Committee Membership:   
