  Mark Dayton - United States Senator  
Senate Services Issues & Legislation News & Events About Mark  



National Guard and
Reserve Bill of Rights

Our nation’s citizen soldiers have answered the call to war more in the last four years than at any other time in our history. Part-time soldier, full-time citizens face special circumstances when they deploy. Changing income, family structure and loss of job security all affect Guard and Reserve families hardest during deployments. Mark is strongly committed to helping these soldiers, and recognizing their sacrifices. On January 24, 2005, Mark introduced S. 32, the National Guard and Reserve Bill of Rights Act of 2005. S. 32 is designed to protect the rights of National Guardsmen and women and Reservists, before, during, and after deployments. Length of deployment, health care access, pay issues, educational benefits, employment rights, child care, and retirement benefits are all addressed in this act.

Although Congress has not considered this legislation as a whole, Mark was able to help push through changes to TRICARE, opening it to Guard and Reserve components. This is one victory in Mark’s continuing efforts to support those who support us.