  Mark Dayton - United States Senator  
Senate Services Issues & Legislation News & Events About Mark  





Since being elected to the United States Senate, Mark has fought to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) from oil drilling. He is a cosponsor of legislation (S.261) to protect the Refuge permanently by designating it as wilderness.

Mark is unconvinced that the perceived benefits of drilling for petroleum in ANWR outweigh the permanent damages which drilling would do to this pristine region. Several years ago, he took the opportunity to visit ANWR with Minnesotan Will Steger. Mark saw ANWR through the eyes of his friend, a naturalist and an explorer, and experienced this wild and pristine land with the passion that Will brings to his lifework.

In March, 2001, Mark traveled with a Congressional delegation and Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton to tour ANWR and existing drilling sites in northern Alaska to view the emerging technologies available. While this trip was extremely valuable and he was impressed with the progress the oil companies had made using new technology, Mark saw nothing to alter his view that ANWR should remain protected.

Most recently, on March 16, 2006, Mark voted to strike language in the Budget Resolution that could open the possibility of drilling in ANWR. The amendment failed and the provision was included in the Budget Resolution which passed on a 51-49 vote. However, the Senate is still waiting to take up the Senate-House Conference Report.

Mark believes that the solutions to our domestic energy needs lie in an optimal combination of increased domestic production of energy; expanded conservation efforts; and further development and use of domestically produced, alternative and renewable fuels.