Contact: Michael Frohlich

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) commended the signing into law of the Military Commissions Act (S.3930) today. This critical legislation establishes military tribunals where terrorists will be prosecuted fairly and effectively without compromising intelligence information that terrorists could use to harm our troops or citizens.

“This is one more piece of the equation to success in the war on terror. Our military and intelligence community must be given all the tools necessary to obtain critical information from terrorists that will help save lives and prevent future terrorist attacks,” stated Foxx. “This new law clarifies the parameters in which a detainee can be held and interrogated while at the same time providing for the effective prosecution of these enemy combatants. This law further demonstrates our resolve in bringing the terrorists to justice and succeeding in the war on terror.” Foxx continued.

It is abundantly clear that while Democrats continue to attack every effort Republicans make in the war on terror, they have no tangible plan to protect our nation from the most notorious terrorists and their murderous agenda. Democrats have consistently voted against missile defense, intelligence gathering, and terrorist surveillance, and by voting against this bill, they have attempted to grant known al Qaida terrorists such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Ramzi bin al Shib the same protections American citizens enjoy under our Constitution. 

“It is disappointing that 162 Democrats chose not to protect our military and intelligence community in this way.  Republicans are leading the way in defending this nation and are resolved to succeed in the war on terror,” concluded Foxx.
