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 H.R. 3253, AS AMENDED 

TITLE:  To amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance emergency preparedness of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.   

H.R. 3253, as amended, will: 

1.      Direct the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish four National Medical Emergency Preparedness Centers at VA medical centers to:  conduct bio-medical research on, and develop health care responses for, chemical, biological, radiological, incendiary or other explosive weapons that threaten the public health and safety; provide related education, training, and advice to VA and community health care professionals either through the National Disaster Medical System or interagency agreements; and, provide rapid response laboratory, epidemiological, medical or other assistance to Federal, State or local health care and law enforcement authorities in the event of a national disaster or emergency, or as necessary to protect the public safety and prevent biological, chemical or radiological threats.

2.      Require the centers to coordinate with health professions and public health schools in bio-terrorism related education and training of health care professionals.

3.      Authorize $100 million over 5 years to fund the new centers and allow each center to seek additional research funds from public and private sources.

4.      Require the Secretary to select the sites for each center competitively based upon certain qualifying criteria and ensuring the centers are geographically dispersed throughout the United States.

5.      Require the Secretaries of VA and Defense to carry out a joint program to develop and disseminate a series of model education and training programs on the medical responses to the consequences of terrorist activities.

6.      Require the Secretary of VA to disseminate training programs and research findings to health professions students, graduate medical education trainees, and active health practitioners in coordination with other Federal departments and agencies.

7.      Authorize a new assistant secretary in the Department of Veterans Affairs.  This assistant secretary will coordinate Department-wide operations, preparedness, security and law enforcement functions.

8.      Authorize an increase in the number of deputy assistant secretaries from 18 to 19.

9.      Authorize VA to furnish hospital care and medical services to individuals responding to, involved in, or otherwise affected by a major disaster or emergency, including members of the Armed Forces on active duty.

10. Authorize VA to negotiate with other Federal entities to collect the cost of providing care or services and retain such collections in the event of a major disaster or emergency. 

EFFECTIVE DATE: Date of enactment 

COST:  The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost of H.R. 3253, as amended, to be $12 million in 2003 and $87 million over the 2003-2007 period, assuming appropriation of the authorized amounts.  Because the bill does not affect direct spending or receipts, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply. 


May 9, 2002:  H.R. 3253 ordered reported amended favorably by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

May 16, 2002:  H.R. 3253 reported amended by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.  H. Rept. 107-471.

            May 20, 2002:  Considered under suspension of the rules.  At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered.  Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

            May 21, 2002:  Considered as unfinished business.  On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended, agreed to by the voice vote.

            May 21, 2002:  Referred to the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

            August 1, 2002:  Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs discharged by unanimous consent.

            August 1, 2002:  Passed the Senate with an amendment and an amendment to the Title by unanimous consent.

            September 17, 2002:  House agreed to Senate amendments with an amendment pursuant to H. Res. 526.

            September 18, 2002:  Message on House action received in Senate and at desk:  House amendment to Senate amendments.

            October 15, 2002:  Senate concurred in House amendments with an amendment by unanimous consent.

            October 16, 2002:  The Majority Leader asked unanimous consent that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendments.

            October 16, 2002:  On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendments.  Agreed to without objection.

            November 7, 2002:  Signed by the President, Public Law 107-287. 

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