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H.R. 2716, AS AMENDED 

(For Full Text, Click Here)

TITLE:  An Act to amend title 38, United States Code, to revise, improve, and consolidate provisions of law providing benefits and services for homeless veterans. 

H.R. 2716, as amended, would: 

1.     Provide that this bill may be cited as the “Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance Act of 2001”. 

2.     Establish a national goal to end chronic homelessness among veterans and encourage all governmental and private agencies to work together to achieve this goal. 

3.     Provide a “Sense of the Congress” regarding the needs of homeless veterans and the responsibility of federal agencies in meeting those needs. 

4.     Consolidate and improve laws relating to homeless veterans into a new chapter of title 38, United States Code.  Include provisions to increase per diem payments up to the rate paid to state home domiciliaries by community providers, authorize appropriations for the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program, coordinate outreach services among agencies dealing with homeless individuals, and undertake an outreach demonstration program within VA.  Other provisions authorize establishment of a grant program for homeless veterans with special needs, limited dental care for veterans using VA homeless programs, technical assistance to nonprofit community based groups, and establish in law an Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans.  

5.     Establish evaluation centers for programs that serve homeless populations and require annual program assessments to be submitted to Congress. 

6.     Require a study of outcome effectiveness of grant program for homeless veterans with special needs. 

7.     Require VA to develop a plan to provide veterans access to mental health services, including substance abuse treatment; and expand the comprehensive homeless services program. 

8.     Require disabled veterans’ outreach program specialists and local veterans’ employment representatives to coordinate employment services with entities receiving financial assistance under homeless veterans’ reintegration programs.

9.     Establish priorities for homeless programs when VA considers  disposing of real property or entering into enhanced-use lease arrangements. 

10. Require an annual meeting of the Interagency Council on Homeless. 

11. Increase set-aside rental assistance vouchers for HUD VA-Supported Housing Program. 


          October 10, 2001:  H.R. 2716 ordered reported favorably with an amendment in the nature of a substitute by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

          October 16, 2001:  H.R. 2716 reported amended by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H. Rept. 107-241, Part I.

          October 16, 2001:  Passed the House amended under suspension by voice vote.

          October 17, 2001:  Received in the Senate. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 201.

          December 6, 2001:  Passed the Senate with an amendment by unanimous consent.

          December 11, 2001: House agreed to the Senate amendment under suspension by voice vote.

          December 21, 2001:  Signed by the President, Public Law 107-95.

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