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Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness
 Members and Jurisdiction
109th Congress
(updated September 11, 2006)

Ric Keller, Chairman

Jurisdiction of the
Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness

All welfare reform programs including work incentive programs, welfare-to-work requirements, and childcare services, including the Childcare Development Block Grant (CDBG); education and training beyond the high school level including, but not limited to higher education generally, including postsecondary student assistance and employment services, Title IV of the Higher Education Act; training and apprenticeship including the Workforce Investment Act, displaced homemakers, adult basic education (family literacy), rehabilitation, professional development, and training programs from immigration funding; pre-service and in-service teacher training, including Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Title II (teacher training) of the Higher Education Act; Title I (student aid) of the Higher Education Act as it relates to Titles II and IV; Title III (HBCUs) and V (HSIs) of the Higher Education Act; science and technology programs; Native American Programs Act, Robert A. Taft Institute, and Institute for Peace.


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Committee on Education and the Workforce
U.S. House of Representatives

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