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Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources
Subcommittee on Energy and Resources
Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census
Subcommittee on Federal Workforce and Agency Organization
Subcommittee on Government Management, Finance, and Accountability
Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations
Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs
Rep. Candice Miller Oversees Hearing on Manufacturing

Candice S. Miller (MI-10) Chairwoman

About Rep. Miller   |   Members  

The Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs was created to identify areas where the U.S. Government places an unduly heavy regulatory and reporting burden on American citizens and businesses. Our primary purposes are to either advocate for a reasonable burden where necessary or to reduce the reporting burden where feasible. The means by which we go about accomplishing this is by highlighting the efforts currently underway in the Administration.

In addition, we also reach out to the American public at large with the purpose of demonstrating the cost of runaway regulations and reporting requirements, along with performing close oversight with regards to the compliance of major rules with both Congressional and Presidential mandates to use sound, reviewed science. Our primary goal with this is to see to it that agencies use the most recent, trustworthy data in the enforcement of their respective regulations.

Among our specific duties include our continuing role in the oversight of the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs by ensuring agency compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. Primary focus is dedicated to the reduction of the burden imposed by the Internal Revenue Service’s massive amount of paperwork, which unsurprisingly constitutes over 80 percent of the paperwork burden of the federal government.

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