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CONTACT: Office of Senator Leahy, 202-224-4242


Statement Of Sen. Patrick Leahy
Ranking Member, Judiciary Committee
On Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Senate Floor
April 4, 2006

The Senate has taken significant and constructive steps over the past week toward fixing our Nation’s broken immigration system.  On March 27, the Senate Judiciary Committee reported a comprehensive and bipartisan package that is tough but smart. 

We sent to the Senate a bill that includes critical law enforcement and border security measures – tougher than the bill introduced by the Majority Leader earlier last month.  Our bill, which was passed by a strong bipartisan 12-6 vote in Committee, also includes realistic solutions for the problem of the millions of undocumented presently living inside our borders.  We do not offer these aliens amnesty but create an incentive for them to come out of the shadows, register, and earn the opportunity to obtain legal status over the course of 11 years. 

Over the past week, we have taken strides to see these proposals passed into law.  I want to thank the many Senators who have come to the floor to speak in support of the Committee bill.  Senators McCain and Kennedy, who did the hard work of drafting many of these measures, have made strong statements explaining why the Committee bill is not an offer of amnesty but represents an earned path to legalization and eventual citizenship.  Senator Feinstein spoke about how this bill is tough on enforcement, but pragmatic in its temporary worker and legalization programs. 

I want to thank Senator Durbin for his eloquent statement last week describing the DREAM Act, which is included in the Committee bill.  Senator Lincoln, Senator Salazar, and Senator Obama have all come to speak in favor of the “enforcement-plus” measures in the bipartisan bill. 

We have voted to approve several amendments that further strengthen the bill.  Senator Bingaman’s amendment to bolster national security by assisting local law enforcement in border states was approved overwhelmingly yesterday.  So was Senator Alexander’s amendment to strengthen citizenship programs, and last week, we passed a Frist-Reid amendment to study the tragic deaths occurring at the border between the United States and Mexico.

I hope that we will vote next on the important amendment offered by Senator Mikulski with a long list of cosponsors from both sides of the aisle.  The Mikulski amendment will bring relief to employers by easing the shortfall of seasonal workers. 

I hope that we will also vote on amendments that will be offered by Senator Bill Nelson to add additional enforcement provisions to the Committee bill. 

We have before us an opportunity take a historic vote on a realistic and reasonable system for immigration.  Our bill protects America’s borders, strengthens enforcement and remains true to American values. We should pass this bill this week.

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