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Bobby Rush (IL-01)

H.R. 1940 -  Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act

Rush wants to save mothers and remove stigma of mental illness with bill

Congressman Bobby L. Rush introduced H.R. 1940 – Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression and Care Act out of concern for women’s health issues. The bill provides for research on and services for individuals with postpartum depression and psychosis.

“With very little knowledge and the stigma attached to postpartum depression, many women suffer alone and are often criminalized rather than treated with the necessary medical care,” says Rush. “If we are a nation that is truly concerned about women’s issues, we must step up and recognize that postpartum depression and psychosis is a serious illness and if left unchecked or untreated, it can devastate the entire family.

“Postpartum depression affects up to 20% of all mothers and does discriminate against race, class or income.”

The bill is named after Melanie Blocker-Stokes, a young mother who lost her battle with postpartum depression shortly after giving birth to her daughter in 2001.

H.R. 1940 has over 70 sponsors, and has garnered the support of Postpartum Support International, American Psychological Association and a host of other postpartum and mental health support networks nationwide.