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Cost of War in Iraq

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Ed Markey (MA-07)

Torture Outsourcing Prevention Act - Directs the Secretary of State to submit to the appropriate congressional committees an annual list of countries where there are substantial grounds for believing that torture, cruel, or degrading treatment is commonly used in the detention or interrogation of individuals.

Prohibits the direct or indirect transfer or return of persons by the United States for the purpose of detention, interrogation, trial, or otherwise to a listed country. Sets forth conditions under which: (1) the Secretary may waive such transfer prohibition; and (2) a treaty-based transfer may occur.

Amends the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 to direct the appropriate Government agencies to prescribe regulations to implement U.S. obligations under the United Nations (UN) Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.