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  • Newsletter Signup

Jose Serrano (NY-16)


Recently, I introduced legislation to repeal both the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 and the Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996, otherwise known as “Helms-Burton”.  I would appreciate your cosponsorship of this important legislation to restore the United States to its rightful place, leading the world with a moral and just foreign policy.

It is inhumane to starve the Cuban people, punishing them with a trade embargo designed to bend their government to our political will.  Instead it is time for us to work for peaceful change and reconciliation with one of our closest neighbors - a policy with which the international community agrees.

The extra-territorial reach of the Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act, which penalizes countries that have commercial ties with Cuba, has jeopardized our relations with the rest of the world community.  .

It is time to constructively change our nation’s foreign policy towards Cuba and begin an era of reconciliation.  If you would like to lift the trade embargo and help to initiate a productive and healthy dialogue between our government and Cuba, please urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor this important bill.