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Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)

Kucinich: “Medicare For All” Will End For Profit Health Care In America; Bring Full Coverage To Every American

Medicare For All, HR 676, Authored By Congressman Kucinich and Conyers, Will Bring Health Care To Every American With No Premiums No Deductibles

Medicare For All, HR 676, a bill co-authored by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) and John Conyers (D-MI), will bring health care to every American, and end health care for profit in this country.

Medicare For All would provide all Americans the health care they need, from any doctor they choose, at a universal, high standard of quality. Americans would not be burdened with co-payments, premiums or deductibles. Rather, they would be guaranteed access to medically necessary health care, including inpatient and outpatient care, dental care, vision care, pharmaceuticals, and other treatments that a patient’s doctor would deem necessary.

Medicare For All would cost no more than what is now spent nationally on health care.  Funding would be provided by savings from a vast reduction of paperwork, existing government spending on healthcare, savings from rational bulk procurement of medications, a tax on the top 5% of income earners, a small tax on stock and bond transfers, and a phased-in payroll tax that is less than what employers currently pay on average for employee health coverage that is much less comprehensive.

"Health care should be about patients not profits,” stated Kucinich. “It is time to end the strangle-hold that the insurance and pharmaceutical companies have over Congress and pass this vital legislation to bring high quality health care to every American.”

“Congress should not have a higher priority,” concluded Kucinich. 

HR 676 currently has 68 co-sponsors in Congress. HR 676 is the subject of a national grassroots campaign and has been endorsed by 72 union organizations. Town hall meetings on Medicare For All have been or will be held in 90 cities this year.
