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How to Download Lobby Disclosure Forms

The LD-1 and LD-2 forms are available from the Office of the Clerk website. It is recommended that you save the form instead of opening it so that you can use it again, if needed.

To download a form:

  1. Locate the name of the form you want to download from the Clerk's Lobbying Disclosure website. Left click on the form name if you are using a PC, or click on the name if you are using a Mac: Locate the Form You Wish To Download
  2. A dialog window is displayed asking if you want to save or open the form. Click the Save button.

    Note: If you click the Open button, your form will be opened in Adobe Reader. You will still need to save a copy of the form by selecting "Save As" from the File menu in Adobe after it is opened.

  3. A window is displayed that allows you to navigate to the location where you want to save your form. Modify the form name, if needed, and click the Save button.

The saved form is now available for you to use in either Adobe Reader or in a browser.