NY Daily News- House vote tells W: Wave port deal Dubai

From NY Daily News:

House vote tells W: Wave port deal Dubai
Thursday, March 9th, 2006

WASHINGTON - Veto this, Mr. President.

That was the message yesterday from House Republicans who broke into open revolt against President Bush over a Dubai company's planned takeover of six major U.S. ports.

The powerful House Appropriations Committee voted 62-2 to tack a deal-killing amendment onto a key Iraq and Katrina spending bill - daring Bush to make good on his threat to veto any measure aimed at Dubai Ports World.

The company, which is owned by Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates, is buying up a British company's contracts to run terminals in Manhattan, Newark and a number of other cities - a $6.8 billion deal that looks increasingly doomed.

"I am 1,000% behind this legislation," said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.), a leading opponent who floated a proposal last week to give the White House and Dubai a way out by bringing in an American partner.

But the amendment added yesterday bars any company affiliated with DP World from running U.S. ports.

"They [Dubai] didn't take me up on it, so as far as I'm concerned, the train has left the station," King said.

When the bill goes to the full House, likely next week, it will set up a showdown between the GOP leaders and Bush, who has never used his veto power before. To do it this time, Bush would have to cancel vital military and hurricane relief funding.

White House officials vowed the President wouldn't blink. One aide even suggested Team Bush would put the blame on House Republicans if Bush has to uncap his veto pen.

"They will slow down funding for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and for the Gulf states hit by Katrina," the official said.

Nonetheless, Bush aides worked the phones, seeking meetings with House leaders in hopes of finding a face-saving compromise, other sources said.

"Just giving in would be the worst thing [Bush] could do," said a White House ally familiar with the last-ditch effort. "There's a chance for a compromise."

The Bushies are hoping House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) will keep the bill from coming up for a vote, but Hastert said yesterday he was committed to it.

"I think the House of Representatives is concerned about the safety of the American people," he said.

Top Republican officials working on behalf of the White House said Bush's veto threat would be tough to carry out.

"I can't see him vetoing a war bill, especially since we know they have the votes to override it in the House," one said.