House - Respuestas verdaderas, ahora.
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Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor

The New GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century would improve benefits for our men and women in uniform today and provide long overdue benefits for the veterans and military retirees who have already served. House Democrats are committed to honoring our veterans and military retirees with actions, not just words. We are calling for full funding of veterans' health care and an end to the Disabled Veterans' Tax. We included a provision in the House-passed Defense bill to extend combat pay for injured troops. Democrats also forced Republicans to drop President Bush's proposed fee increases for prescription drug co-payments in the veterans' spending bill.

Unfortunately, Republicans continue to block Democratic efforts to help our veterans. The Majority blocked efforts to provide TRICARE to members of the National Guard and Reserves. They blocked $53 million in urgently needed funds for trauma care centers and telemedicine. Republicans even blocked funds for injured troops, including $3.2 billion for mental health services, prosthetics, and amputee care.

Show your support for the GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century by becoming a Citizen Co-Sponsor.







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Congresista Destacado
Rep. Bob Menendez
Rep. Menendez was one of the leaders in establishing a bipartisan independent Commission to investigate the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It's that same experience that has brought him to sponsor legislation establishing an independent Commission to investigate the government’s disastrous respone to Hurricane Katrina.

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Cifras Reales
3.7 million

3.7 million employees have lost employer-provided health insurance since 2000.

Source:Economic Policy Institute

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