· Congressional Pages
The Congressional Page Program here in Washington offers an extraordinary opportunity for high school students, who gain first-hand, behind-the-scenes political experience and have access to people and events in a manner virtually unduplicated anywhere else in the world.  The program is available for one-month sessions during the summer, and also as a school year session for those students entering their junior year of high school.  Currently, sixty-six young men and women are appointed by their Member of Congress to serve as pages in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Competition for the few available positions is fierce, as successful candidates not only possess the required 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the five major subject areas, but are also very active in extracurricular activities and come highly recommended by those familiar with them.  In addition, eligibility for the Page Program requires that all applicants must be 16 years of age at the time their appointment begins, and be in their junior year of high school for the school year session.  Summer program applicants may only serve as a Page during the summer before or the summer after their junior year of high school.  Finally, preference is given to students residing in the Second Congressional District of New Hampshire.

For more information and an application, contact:

Representative Charles F. Bass
ATTN: Page Coordinator
2421 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5206

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