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Nevada's Fallen Heroes

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Remembering September 11, 2001

Five years ago, America was attacked. With terror and airplanes as their weapons, radical Islamic extremists sought to kill as many Americans as possible. As a nation, we were shocked, saddened, shaken, devastated, and angry. We wept together for the incomparable loss of human life and for the families who lost so much that day.

Our focus is remembering the lives that were cut tragically short that day and the families who will always suffer from the loss of their parent, child, sibling, or friend. The world has changed so much since that horrific day. Unfortunately, the united resolve of the world to fight the extremists who planned and executed September 11 and many other attacks around the world since then has softened. As Americans, we have no choice but to lead the way with unwavering commitment to this fight.

We saw five years ago what the enemy is capable of. We cannot afford to let down our guard or forget what is at stake if we do. We owe it to the 2,833 innocent men, women, and children who were killed September 11. If we each reflect on how we felt that day—the wrenching of our hearts, the disbelief, the pain—I know that we will choose to stand together to defend this great country.

God bless you, and God bless America.

Securing Our Nation

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