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Democratic Office Press Releases - October 2006

Lantos Says Threatened North Korean Nuclear Test Only Hurts North Koreans

October 5, 2006

San Mateo, CA -- Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, today issued the following statement regarding North Korea's threat to test a nuclear weapon:

  "North Korea’s stated intention to test a nuclear device is reprehensible. A nuclear test will only isolate the country from its neighbors and delay the day when the DPRK wins international respect and security. While such a test by Pyongyang would point to shortcomings in the U.S. Administration's recent approach toward dealing with the DPRK, the real failure would be that of Pyongyang to recognize that this foolish risk will have no lasting benefits. Far from it: The North Korean people would be burdened by the post-test economic sanctions that are sure to be imposed by China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the United States.

  "If North Korea proceeds with a nuclear test, the United States should encourage Beijing to convene the Six Party Talks without North Korea. If Beijing is unwilling to host such a meeting, we should arrange it in Washington and ensure that all parties are represented at the highest levels. In response to a nuclear test, we must immediately craft a multilateral package of international sanctions to be approved by the UN Security Council, and insist that our Six Party allies fully implement the sanctions. Setting off a nuclear device will trigger a test of will between the DPRK and the rest of the world, and Pyongyang must know that it cannot get away with such a stunt."

  Lantos has met with high-level DPRK officials in Pyongyang twice within the past 20 months.