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Capitol Hill Democrats: Give North Korea What It Wants


Washington, Oct 13 -

“The Clinton Administration’s policy of appeasement toward North Korea amounted to gross negligence.  It was a mistake to give in to Kim Jong Il’s demands then, and it would be a mistake to do the same now.  We must support President Bush and our allies as they work together to impose tough sanctions and confront the threat with strength and resolve.”  – House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH)

Former Secretary of State, Democrat Madeleine Albright - the go-to for the Clinton Administration’s
failed strategy of coddling the government of North Korea rather than confront it over its nuclear ambitions - released a stunning statement this week.  Albright began by stating the obvious in a blatant non sequitur:

“During the two terms of the Clinton Administration, there were no nuclear weapons tests by North Korea, no new plutonium production, and no new nuclear weapons developed in Pyongyang.”

Of course there were no nuclear tests or new nuclear weapons during the 1990s – the Clinton Administration had only then begun delivering on its promises of gifts such as, according to Investor’s Business Daily, “oil, food and, amazingly, nuclear technology.”

In fact, the Clinton Administration’s so-called “Agreed Framework” committed the U.S. to providing North Korea a number of special nuclear, energy, economic, and diplomatic benefits – benefits it was desperately seeking.  This includes:

  • Light Water Nuclear Reactors. North Korea was to receive two light water nuclear reactors with a generating capacity of approximately 2,000 megawatts.

  • Oil at No Cost. The Agreed Framework committed America to provide 500,000 metric tons of heavy oil to North Korea annually until the first of the two nuclear reactors became operational.

  • Diplomatic Representation. The U.S. promised to establish full diplomatic relations with North Korea if the two governments made progress “on issues of concern to each side.”

  • Lifting the U.S. Economic Embargo. The Agreed Framework specified that within three months from October 21, 1994, the two sides would reduce barriers to trade and investment, including restrictions on telecommunications services and financial transactions.  President Clinton ordered the end of most economic sanctions in June 2000.

  • U.S. Nuclear Security Guarantee. Article III of the Agreed Framework states that "Both sides will work together for peace and security on a nuclear-free Korean peninsula."

What did North Korea have to do in exchange for all of thisNorth Korea was supposed to halt development of its nuclear program.  What did North Korea actually do?  Nothing.

That North Korea claims it has now detonated a nuclear weapon is reflective of the disastrous policy decisions implemented and encouraged by Capitol Hill Democrats.  Rather than confront the regime over its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, Democrats offered North Korea both time and American technology – while at the same time opposing missile defense systems designed to protect America from rogue regimes.

Albright also said America needs “a willingness to engage in direct talks” with North Korea.  In other words, Albright suggests the way to deal with an intransigent dictator like Kim Jung Il – a madman who has defied the international community, broken deals with the United States, and moved forward on a nuclear weapons program – is to… give him what he wantsAgain?

While Capitol Hill Democrats often wonder why the American people have no confidence in their ability to handle national security and keep America safe, their record is clear. 

The fact is, Democrats have NO strategy when it comes to putting in place strong national security policies.  While Republicans have acted to ensure the safety and security of the American people, Democrats have recklessly opposed every common sense effort to provide the President with the tools he needs to effectively wage and win the war against terrorism and keep America safe.



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