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Proudly Serving America's Veterans [Image] Chairman Steve Buyer this is an invisible spacer image
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 P R E S S  R E L E A S E - Tuesday November 7, 2006 this is an invisible spacer image
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Honoring Our Veterans
Veterans Day, November 11, 200

Chairman Steve Buyer:

Veterans Day reminds us of our commitment and the obligation we have to care for those who faithfully served us in times of war and peace. Veterans Day grew out of the Armistice Day ceremonies that commemorated the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. Today, Veterans Day honors all American veterans who have selflessly devoted themselves to protecting our cherished liberties and the sacrifices these extraordinary men and women have made to preserve and defend our freedom.

I am privileged to work each day to advance the interests of our veterans as a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and I am especially honored and humbled to serve as Chairman of this great committee.

No nation in history has as comprehensive and generous a system of veterans’ benefits as those available to America’s defenders. Although work remains, Congress continues to address challenges and make progress. This committee is devoted to providing a more seamless transition for servicemembers into civilian opportunities, reducing the backlog of compensation claims, modernizing information technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and addressing the impediments to the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders such post-traumatic stress disorder.

Veterans deserve a health care system that is accessible and provides quality care. Today’s VA lives up to that obligation, providing first-rate care to some 5 million veterans and we will continue to ensure that the VA health care system remains a model of quality for the rest of the nation.
Let us give thanks to the 45 million men and women, our military veterans living and dead, who answered the call throughout our nation’s history. Because of them, the United States of America will continue to serve as a beacon of freedom and hope for all the world.

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