News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Statement by Senator Patty Murray on the Democratic Victory in the U.S. Senate

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, November 9, 2006

"This is a tremendous opportunity for our state and our nation. Washington state residents and Americans across the country have spoken, and they want change.

"I look forward to meeting that challenge by bringing the priorities of the American people back to the U.S. Senate.

"With a majority in the Senate I will be in the unique position to chair the Transportation and Housing Appropriations Subcommittee - two issues which are huge priorities for our state. While we still face tough budgetary constraints, this position will give me an even stronger voice to advocate for the priorities of Washington state residents.

"I also look forward to working with a Congress that views caring for our veterans as a duty and a promise. As a high ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, I will continue to use my position to hold the VA and this Administration accountable for real budgets and accessible care.

"I will also be working towards having a real debate on Iraq and will be demanding a real plan for success so that our troops can come home as soon as possible."

"I look forward to moving ahead on the priorities of fixing the flawed Medicare drug law so that seniors can afford the medication they need, and improving the No Child Left Behind Act so that every child has the opportunity and resources to succeed in school and in life.

"I will be focusing on updating our nation's workforce training laws so they meet the needs in our state, funding my port security law, passing the Wild Sky Wilderness bill and protecting families from deadly asbestos.

"I know that good policy comes from reaching out, listening, and working with people who have different perspectives. I hope that in the upcoming congressional session we can come together and get to work on the real challenges that we all face."
