Beginning in 2006, Medicare will offer a prescription drug benefit. The benefit will be offered by Medicare through a number of different private Plan Providers. However, the Bush Administration's Medicare Prescription Drug Plan includes a provision that allows Plan Providers to offer plans with a major gap in coverage. This gap in coverage might leave you footing the full cost of your drugs at some point even though you are required to continue to pay a monthly premium.

This calculator estimates the potential risk of falling into the coverage gap in the Standard Benefit Plan under the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit.

Step 1:
How many prescriptions do you fill each month?

This calculator is merely an estimation of a Medicare beneficiary's potential risk of falling into the coverage gap in a Standard Benefit plan under the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. These results may vary from a beneficiary's actual experience, based on the specific plan chosen and the total costs of the beneficiary's prescription drugs. Some plans are structured so they do not contain a coverage gap. If you are eligible for Medicaid or "Extra Help" with Medicare drug costs (also referred to as the "Low-Income Subsidy" or LIS) you may not be subject to any gap in coverage. Medicare beneficiaries should consult with a Drug Plan Provider directly to assess whether they are at risk of falling into the coverage gap.

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