Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (D-TX)

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Office Addresses

Washington, D.C.
2470 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C.
(202) 225-7742 tel
(202) 226-1134 fax

Coastal Bend
3649 Leopard, Suite 510
Corpus Christi, TX
(361) 883-5868 tel
(361) 884-9201 fax

Rio Grande Valley
1805 Ruben Torres, B-27
Brownsville, TX
(956) 541-1242 tel
(956) 544-6915 fax

US House Seal
This is an official Web site of the United States House of Representatives.


Congressman Ortiz’s philosophy is: "Each one, teach one." Volunteer internships are available, on a very limited basis, in the Washington and District Offices. These internships provide young people the opportunity to work in a professional environment and offer unique experience to carry into the workplace after college, or after leaving the office.

Interns have spoken highly of their experience in Washington. We welcome all prospective interns, but give priority to young people from South Texas. If you are interested in applying for an internship, please send a cover letter and resume to Cathy Travis.

There are also many reputable intern and fellowship programs in the Washington D.C. area, available to undergraduate students and post-graduate students. Each program is different and some offer stipends for students selected to serve in their programs. Congressman Ortiz can attest to the credibility of these two organizations, which have provided interns to his office.

Washington Center This organization arranges off-campus internships for college students in government agencies, corporations, and non-profits in the Washington, DC area.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute offers summer internships on Capitol Hill to Hispanic college students (at least sophomores) found in the course of a competitive, national search.

Helpful Internship Links Provided by the Congressional Research Service and the Library of Congress

Internships, Fellowships and Other Work Experience Opportunities in the the Federal Government

Smithsonian Internship Opportunities

White House Fellowships

National Directory of Internships offers direction to hundreds of national and international internships

Inroads helps develop minority youth in business and industry

Marathon Oil Corporation



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