Enter Your Average Annual Salary (e.g. 40000): $

What Year Were You Born? (1950 or After):

Your Promised Annual Social Security Benefit Now:



How Much You Will Get From Traditional Social Security:

How Much You Will Get From Private Account:

Total Annual Benefit Under Bush Privatization:

Your Promised Annual Social
Security Benefit Now
Bush Plan $
Total Annual Benefit
Under Bush Privatization
Your Annual Dollar CUT Under
Bush Privatization

Your Annual Percentage CUT Under Bush Privatization = %

All numbers are annual benefits adjusted for inflation. Calculations are based on Congressional Budget Office economic assumptions. The President has said that individual accounts would do nothing to restore long-term solvency and that further benefit cuts are necessary. Since he has not made a specific proposal, these estimates assume that benefits are partially “price indexed,” a concept that President Bush recently endorsed. Please click here for detailed explanation of calculations and assumptions.