Walk Talk

"Walk Talk" sessions are town meetings which follow an afternoon of Bob going door-to-door in neighborhoods. Bob "walks" a neighborhood and then invites folks to "talk" at a convenient meeting place. Click below to find out more about this week's Walk Talk session.

Latest Walk Talk Session

Featured Issues

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An entrepreneurial challenge and incentive to attract the best and brightest minds to solve the outstanding problems related to moving to a hydrogen economy.

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Immigration: Where Do We Draw the Line

"We want to control our borders and we want to remain true to our heritage as a nation of immigrants. The key is finding the right balance." - U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis

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Hydrogen can be element of automotive revolution

Imagine a car that drives itself. Imagine a car that emits only water. Imagine highways so efficient with spacing between cars so compressed that more lanes aren't needed.

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Medicare Part D

“I hope the following information will help you make sense of your particular situation within the new Medicare Part D drug plan.” - U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis

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Freedom’s Children

This is a series of articles describing a congressional delegation trip to Iraq between Feb. 24-28, 2005, by Sens. Jim DeMint (SC), Sam Brownback (KS), and Reps. Rob Portman (OH-2) and Bob Inglis (SC-4).

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Honoring South Carolina’s Fallen

Remembering those who have given their lives in the War on Terror, protecting America and expanding the reaches of freedom.

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Relief reaches Hurricane Katrina victims

U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis said he joined the rest of the country in welcoming the arrival of federal relief efforts to the hardest hit areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

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U.S. Representative Bob Inglis answers questions about the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

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Abortion - General Pro-Life Stance


Budget - Deficit Reduction Act


Culture Wars - Inglis Op-ed: Nation should be fighting to restore the kingdom of the heart


Energy - Drilling in ANWR

Energy - OCS Drilling Bill (H.R. 4761)

Energy - Why are Gas Prices so High?


Financial Services - Expansion of Banking Powers


Health Care - Association Health Plans

Health Care - Medical Liability Reform


Judiciary - Constitution Restoration Act

Judiciary - Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

Judiciary - Internet Gambling

Judiciary - Pledge Protection Act


Marriage Amendment - Inglis Op-ed: Marriage amendment's failure isn't a sign of our 'slouching toward Gomorrah'


Social Security - Social Security Reform


Telecommunications - Network Neutrality