Issues: Nebraska’s Working Families

Photo of Senator Ben Nelson and his wife.Nebraska prides itself on its history of strong people and hard work. From the Homesteaders to the pioneers to the current working families, Nebraskans have worked hard to contribute to the growth of the nation geographically and economically.

It is working men and women who have helped to build this nation into a great economic power. The American people understand that its workers are the backbone of a strong economy and that our nation does well when our workers do well.

That is why Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson has pushed legislation to increase investment to create more good-paying jobs, while at the same time supporting the extension of unemployment compensation for those who cannot find jobs simply because there are none available. With American families struggling through high unemployment and limited economic opportunity, he opposed a plan that could reduce the take home pay of those Americans who still have a job. He also supports programs to provide additional job training to workers who lose their job because of a poor economy or as a result of foreign trade.

Because of the contribution of generations of workers have made to the power and prosperity of this country, Senator Nelson believes it is imperative that Congress keep the concerns of works in mind as it makes public policy.

Working for Nebraska’s Working Families

Senator Nelson supports overtime protection for works. He has voted twice to prohibit the implementation of U.S. Department of Labor rules that would take overtime protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act away from thousands, and possibly millions of American workers. Senator Nelson wants to protect overtime pay for workers, like first responders and other emergency workers, who depend on that extra pay to make ends meet.

Senator Nelson supports extending unemployment benefits for workers who are out of work and cannot find jobs. Senator Nelson believes people should not be punished for being unable to find jobs when none are available.

Senator Nelson supports the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act and has consistently supported funding for additional training for workers who have lost their jobs due to recession or outsourcing.

Senator Nelson supports Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), which provides extended unemployment benefits and job training for those who are left jobless by the impact of foreign trade.

Senator Nelson has supported rights for workers. When Congress was considering legislation to create the Department of Homeland Security, Senator Nelson worked to forge a compromise that gave the President the flexibility on personnel matters to meet our national security needs while still providing workers with workplace protections they deserve.

Senator Nelson has voted repeatedly to protect federal funding for local first responders, such as firefighters and law enforcement officers, while the Bush Administration has worked to take it away.

Senator Nelson cosponsored and championed the Railroad Retirement and Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001, which protects pension and retirement benefits for railroad workers across America.