Business Meeting

before the


Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Time: 2:15 PM
Place: S-116 The Capitol
Presiding: Senator Lugar
The Committee will consider and vote on the
following agenda items:
+Treaty Between the United States of America and
   the Oriental Republic of Uruguay Concerning
   the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of
   Investment (Treaty Doc.109-9)
+United Nations Convention Against Corruption
   (Treaty Doc.109-6)
+The Honorable Richard E. Hoagland
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia
+The Honorable Christina B. Rocca
   For the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of
   service as U. S. Representative to the Conference
   on Disarmament
+Philip S. Goldberg
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of Bolivia
+The Honorable John R. Bolton
   To be U.S. Representative to the United Nations with
   rank of Ambassador and U.S. Representative to the
   United Nations Security Council and U.S.
   Representative to Sessions of the United Nations
   General Assembly during his tenure of service as
   U.S. Representative to the United Nations
+Richard W. Graber
   To be Ambassador to the Czech Republic
+Karen B. Stewart
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus
+Mark R. Dybul
   To be Coordinator of U.S. Activities to Combat
   HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador
+The Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., of New York,
   To be United States Governor of the International
   Monetary Fund for a term of five years; United States
   Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction
   and Development for a term of five years; United
   States Governor of the Inter-American Development
   Bank for a term of five years; United States Governor
   of the African Development Bank for a term of five
   years; United States Governor of the Asian
   Development Bank; United States Governor of the
   African Development Fund; United States Governor
   of the European Bank for Reconstruction and
   FSO Promotions Lists:
+M. Suzanne Archuleta, et al
   Dated July 12, 2006
+James C. Charlifue, et al
   Dated July 16, 2006
+S.3722, A Bill to authorize the transfer of Navy vessels
   to certain foreign recipients


Witness names in blue are links to the statement given.
Statements are only posted if provided electronically by witness.