Business Meeting

before the


Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Time: 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
Place: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Presiding: Senator Lugar
Senator Lugar's Opening Statement
The Committee will consider and vote on the
following agenda items:
+Protocol Between the Government of the United States
   of America and the Government of the State of Israel
   Amending the Convention on Extradition
   (Treaty Doc. 109-3)
+S.______, an Original Bill, to exempt from certain
   requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 U.S.
   exports of nuclear materials, equipment and technology
   to India, and to implement the U.S. Additional
+S.Res.460, a resolution expressing the sense of the
   Senate that the United States should increase its
   support to the people of Somalia in their efforts to end
   decades of violence, establish lasting peace, form a
   democratically elected and stable central government,
   and become an effective partner in eradicating
   radicalism and terrorism from their country and
   the region
+S.Con.Res.105, a concurrent resolution commending
   the Government of Canada for its renewed
   commitment to the Global War on Terror in
+The Honorable Earl Anthony Wayne
   To be Ambassador to Argentina
+The Honorable Gaddi H. Vasquez
   For the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of
   service as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
   Agencies for Food and Agriculture
+John Clint Williamson
   To be Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues
+The Honorable Michael E. Ranneberger
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya
+The Honorable Eric M. Bost
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa
+W. Stuart Symington IV to be Ambassador
   To the Republic of Djibouti
+Gayleatha Beatrice Brown
   To be Ambassador to the Republic of Benin
+Robert O. Blake, Jr.
   To be Ambassador to the Democratic Socialist
   Republic of Sri Lanka, and to serve concurrently
   and without additional compensation as Ambassador
   to the Republic of Maldives
+The Honorable Robert D. McCallum, Jr.
   To be Ambassador to Australia
+Leslie V. Rowe
   To be Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, and to
   serve concurrently and without additional
   compensation as Ambassador to the Solomon Islands
   and Ambassador to the Republic of Vanuatu
+The Honorable Clifford M. Sobel
   To be Ambassador to the Federative Republic
   of Brazil
+Peter R. Coneway
   To be Ambassador to Switzerland, and to serve
   concurrently and without additional compensation as
   Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein
+Thomas C. Foley
   To be Ambassador to Ireland


Witness names in blue are links to the statement given.
Statements are only posted if provided electronically by witness.