Senate Floor Speech
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
March 2, 2006 -- Page: S1598


MRS. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I commend the Senator from Minnesota. I think he is right on target. He is putting the burden where it should be, and that is directly on the United Nations to do what is right with regard to Iran.

Our President has tried to put the Europeans out front to negotiate with the Iranians. I believe they have been less than forthcoming about what they were doing the last 2 years with nuclear capabilities. Now it is time for us to all step in as world leaders and say to Iran: You must stop making nuclear weapons. And further, if you do not, there will be repercussions.

But it will take the entire world community, led by the United Nations, to make an impact on Iran. The United States cannot do this alone. We do not trade with Iran. We need the people who are trading with Iran to say there will be consequences if a nuclear weapon is produced in that country.

So I thank the Senator from Minnesota. I hope very much the United States will step forward with the other leaders of the world to say we are of one mind.