

Name and Address of Person Making the Request:

If meant as a surprise, should the letter be sent to this address: YES NO
Phone number where you can be reached:

Name and Address of Person to Receive the Letter:

Salutation on letter:
Should the letter be sent to this address: YES NO

Do you want a greeting from Senator Hutchison?: YES NO

Do you want a Presidential Greeting?: YES NO

NOTE: Presidential greetings are only sent for birthdays of 80+ years or for wedding anniversaries
of 50+ years.

Select the occasion or event: (only one event can be selected per form)

Birthday -- What year?:
Eagle Scout -- Troop Number?:
Girl Scout Gold -- Troop Number?:
Royal Rangers Gold Medal -- Outpost Number?:
Retirement (military or non-military)
Wedding Anniversary -- What year?:

Date of Event:
Date Letter Needed (if different from date of event):

Years of Service (for non-military retirement):
Years of Service/Branch of Service (for military retirement):

Please enter any other pertinent information that was not provided above:

When you have completed the form, please print it and mail to the following address:

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
(ATTN: Cori Modisett)
961 Federal Building
300 East 8th Street
Austin, Texas 78701

If filling out the form by hand, please write legibly. Thank you.